Nov 1, 2023
Prince George Electric Cooperative’s wholly owned fiber subsidiary, RURALBAND, urges members to confirm if they are one of the 6,000 residents that haven’t taken advantage of its high-speed internet service.
Are you one of the 6,000 residents who have not taken advantage of RURALBAND’s high-speed internet service in Prince Geroge, Sussex, Surry, or Dinwiddie (PGEC) county? If you reside in any of these counties and have not signed up for RURALBAND’s affordable fiber to the home service, RURALBAND encourages you to sign up today.
While RURALBAND has been active since 2017, co-op President and CEO Sarat Yellepeddi states that nearly 6,000 residents haven’t taken advantage of the service where it’s already available.
“We understand the importance of what having the necessary access to high-speed internet service means for the quality of life for residents,” Yellepeddi says. “While we are continuing to break ground in new areas to expand the fiber footprint for everyone, we want members to know that there is still opportunity in areas that we are currently offering service.”
Today, nearly 11,000 residents can use RURALBAND’s services. Yellepeddi underscores the belief that as the initiative continues its expansion into neighboring counties, every member should have an equal opportunity in experiencing reliable connectivity to enhance and improve the quality of life for current and future generations.
If you live in Prince Geroge, Sussex, Surry, or Dinwiddie (PGEC) county and haven’t signed up for service yet, be sure to register at RURALBAND.coop today.
“We want the nearly 6,000 residents to know that we are already in your area, and we want to make sure you’re registered to receive this top-tier service,” Yellepeddi expresses.